Nikon Coolpix Underwater Camera: the waterproof W300 for scuba dive photos

Home » Dive & Travel » Packing List » Nikon Coolpix Underwater Camera: the waterproof W300 for scuba dive photos
In this post, I share my experience of using the Nikon Coolpix W300 waterproof underwater camera for dive photos. This tough, compact digital camera is ideal for adventurous travel activities and for scuba diving! As a former dive instructor, I can totally recommend this camera for scuba diving for a variety of reasons that I share in this blog post. This review of the Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera also explains why I prefer this waterproof camera above the GoPro, for dive photography!

Little video about the Nikon Coolpix W300 Underwater Camera

I’m so enthusiastic about the Niko Coolpix underwater camera as a dive camera, that I even made a video about it on my YouTube channel. I´ll include it here before I go into more detail about the above reasons, my history with underwater cameras as an ex-diving instructor and the Nikon Coolpix compared with the GoPro for underwater dive photography.

Other review than the Nikon Coolpix underwater camera: a waterproof phone!

I’m not often doing product reviews, but only share about certain product that I’m really happy about and think can serve other people with a similar travel lifestyle. You might also like my post about the waterproof, rugged Android phone, which is great for the outdoors and similar travel adventures. Or you can also read this post about my travel electronics packing list.


The nikon coolpix W300 waterproof underwater camera has a macro mode too!
Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera has a macro mode for dive photos!

Why I’m so happy with the Nikon Coolpix waterproof camera

Also, I give you some specifics about the Nikon Coolpix W300 camera and share some links to Amazon where you can buy your Nikon Coolpix. I do receive a small commission if you purchase anything through those links, but I’m not sponsored by Nikon. All photos in this blog post are taken by using the Nikon Coolpix waterproof camera as a scuba dive camera, click here to find this dive camera on Amazon (ad).  So the photos serve as an example and to give you an impression of the quality of the underwater pictures of the Nikon Coolpix. The model I use is the Nikon Coolpix W300. There are some very good reasons why I’m so happy with this underwater camera, so let`s get to it!


Nikon Coolpix W300 compact digital camera for underwater photos as a scuba diver
So happy to dive travel with the underwater Nikon Coolpix W300 compact and tough! Click here to order on Amazon (ad)

Nikon Coolpix W300 is a great camera for underwater photography

In my opinion, the Nikon W300 is amazing for adventurous dive travel. My main reason is that this camera is waterproof to 30 meters, or 100 feet (without an underwater housing). Other reasons include that this compact camera comes with a built-in flash and LED light, macro mode, and 5x optical zoom.

Waterproof underwater cameras when working as a diving instructor

When I worked as a scuba dive instructor, I did not have an underwater camera for a long time! And for a couple of reasons. As an instructor, you need to be focused on your students so it does not make much sense to take your camera on your scuba dives. Also, in those years, it was very sporadic for me to go fun diving simply because I did so many dives that on a day off I did not feel like going scuba diving. Also, I did not have a high budget and I was always very packed, especially in the years I even carried the paper version instructor manual and other books.


Example dive photo of the Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera: manta ray in the Maldives
The Nikon Coolpix W300 is waterproof till 30 meters, or almost 100 feet, without underwater housing.

Before the Nikon Coolpix waterproof camera: scuba diving with the underwater house

Then, one day, when I was working in the Maldives, I found an Olympus camera with a waterproof underwater house stuck on the rocks between the coral. My colleague and I called the surrounding island resorts to check if someone lost his or her camera, but since we couldn´t find the owner of the dive camera, I decided to keep it. The underwater camera still worked perfectly, I just needed to order a new battery. I did enjoy using the dive camera with a waterproof underwater house for fun diving and traveling, although there was one little problem.

My issue with using a camera with a waterproof underwater house for dive photography

The problem was that after a fun dive in Australia, the housing of the Olympus camera broke. I’m not so handy at times, and I dropped it on the floor whilst climbing in the back of a truck on our way to the dive boat. By that time, about 2 years after finding the dive camera, the camera model was getting a bit out of date. And I couldn´t find a waterproof underwater house for that specific camera model. This issue made me think about my next underwater camera.

No need for an underwater house with the waterproof Nikon Coolpix W300 camera

Looking at dive photography, the underwater housing of a camera for scuba diving is often as expensive as the camera itself. And sometimes the waterproof house costs even more than the camera. If either your camera or the underwater housing breaks, you need to make sure that whatever breaks, is still available on the dive camera market. If not, you´re either stuck with an underwater house but without a camera, or with a camera that is not waterproof (like in my case). Here is where the Nikon Coolpix W300 as an underwater camera offers a great solution: it´s waterproof till 30 meters, or 100 feet, without any housing! Click here to find the Coolpix W300 on Amazon (ad).


Octopus underwater photo
Impression of the underwater photo quality of the Nikon Coolpix W300
Scuba divinig photos with the Nikon Coolpix waterproof camera
Shore diving in Dauin, the Philippines (underwater colour quality of Nikon Coolpix W300)
Shrimp in soft coral with my dive travel camera
Sharpness quality of the Nikon Coolpix underwater camera: find the shrimp!

The Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera doesn´t need a camera house, it’s waterproof till 30 meters or 100 feet

There are different models of the Nikon Coolpix underwater camera. As mentioned before, I am using the Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera to scuba dive and travel. The best news about this waterproof camera is that you don´t need underwater housing to 30 meters, or 100 feet. Besides this, the compact Nikon camera is pretty tough. I have been carrying it with me on my travels for more than five years now.  When I travel or go scuba diving, I only use a wash mitt to protect the lens of this amazing Nikon dive camera. The camera doesn´t even has a scratch so far!


Only using a wash mitt, or cloth, to protect my nikon camera during traveling or scuba diving
I just use a bath mitt to protect this waterproof underwater Nikon, no house is needed to go scuba diving!

How Nikon Coolpix underwater camera stands out from other waterproof cameras

There are other brands offering similar waterproof camera models, like the Nikon Coolpix underwater camera. I know, for example, that Olympus and Fujifilm have similar ones. This post, however, is focused on the Nikon Coolpix as a dive camera. And I have one big reason for this: I don´t need an underwater house with the Nikon Coolpix W300!! This is where Nikon really stands out from similar underwater cameras. Because the Olympus Tough camera (ad) goes to a depth of 15 meters, or about 50 feet, without a underwater house. And the Fujifilm Finepix (ad) to a depth of 25 meters, or about 80 feet, without the need for a waterproof house. Click here to buy the Nikon camera on Amazon (ad).


Impression of Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater photo quality
Quality impression of the Coolpix W300: batfish on the Maldives. Click here to order on Amazon (ad)
Star Fish: Good colour quality with Nikon Coolpix W300 as a dive camera
Colour quality of the Nikon Coolpix W300 for underwater photography

Check the depth limit of other waterproof underwater cameras for scuba diving

Check the link below to find the Nikon Coolpix W300 on Amazon. If you decide to buy another waterproof underwater camera, please check the specifics and have a look to which depth you can take the camera without an underwater house. I’m only known with the W300 model. The Nikon Coolpix W300 can be taken to a depth of 30 meters or 100 feet.

Or click here to find this camera on Amazon (ad), link to Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera)

Underwater cameras: Nikon Coolpix vs GoPro for dive photography and underwater pictures

There are a few reasons why I prefer the Nikon Coolpix over the GoPro as an underwater camera for dive photography. I’m not talking about underwater video recording, because I believe that for filming you might be better off with the GoPro. The reasons I prefer the Nikon Coolpix W300 for underwater photography have to do with the features this Nikon waterproof camera has. Those include:

  • The underwater camera of Nikon has a built-in camera flash and LED light, versus the GoPro needs an external light
  • The Nikon Coolpix W300 dive camera has a 5x optical zoom function, versus GoPro only has a digital zoom effect
  • Nikon Coolpix W300 has a macro mode which can be used for underwater mode, versus GoPro needs an external lens

Please note that GoPro keeps updating their underwater camera models, but this is what I’m aware of.

So happy with the Nikon Coolpix as an underwater camera
Happy with my Nikon Coolpix W300 as a dive camera for underwater photography and travel

The Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera has a built-in camera flash and LED light vs the GoPro doesn´t have built-in lightning

First of all, the Nikon Coolpix has a built-in camera flash and LED light. Although you can get a separate flash or light for the GoPro, with the Nikon Coolpix you don´t need to buy anything else since it´s already built-in. As far as I´m aware, the GoPro doesn´t have any built-in flash or lighting. But I might be wrong, since they keep coming up with newer models.


The Nikon Coolpix W300 underwater camera comes with a built-in flahs and led light
The Nikon Coolpix W300 comes with built-in lighting, whereas the GoPro does not have a built-in camera flash

The Nikon Coolpix dive camera has a 5x optical zoom function vs GoPro can only digital zoom

The nikon Coolpix W300 has a 5x optical zoom, with vibration reduction, which works pretty good. The GoPro doesn´t have a physical zoom, it only offers a digital zoom function which is not as great as an optical zoom. An optical zoom means that it’s physically magnifying the image. The resolution will be much better than the quality of a digital zoom because it edits the image electronically. Once again, I’m not sure about newer GoPro models still to come.

The waterproof Nikon Coolpix camera has a macro mode which can be used in underwater mode

The Nikon Coolpix has two different underwater mode options: the usual underwater photography mode and underwater time lapse video. On top of that, you can use a macro option whilst using the underwater photography mode. This is great for underwater photos of macro life like a nudibranch or other small ocean life (see some underwater pictures below). Honestly, I’m not sure what is going on with the macro mode of the GoPro. I believe that for some models you need a separate lens for that, it might vary per model.


The NIkon Coolpix W300 has a macro mode than can be used in underwater mode
Macro mode can be chosen whilst using the camera underwater. Click here to order on Amazon (ad)

Nikon Coolpix underwater camera image example: flash light vs no lightning used


Nudibranch dive photo with Nikon Coolpix with camera flash switched on
Photo of Nudibranch with using the flash lighting and macro mode of the Nikon Coolpix W300
Nudibranch dive photo with Nikon Coolpix with camera flash light switched off
Photo of the same nudibranch without using the camera flash of the Nikon Coolpix W300


Underwater video filming: Nikon Coolpix underwater camera vs the waterproof GoPro

That said about the Nikon Coolpix as an underwater camera for scuba diving photos, I believe for underwater filming you´re better off with a GoPro. Currently, I use both the Nikon Coolpix and an action camera, like a GoPro (I lost my GoPro during the drama in Peru). So I wasn´t able to compare the video quality of the GoPro with the Nikon Coolpix for underwater filming.

The waterproof GoPro camera has very good underwater filming video quality

Especially the newer GoPro models have very good video quality. Check the link below for the latest GoPro on Amazon. At the time I’m updating this post, it’s the GoPro Hero 12. Find the newest GoPro on Amazon here (ad).

Underwater cameras: Nikon Coolpix W300 video filming review

Back to the Nikon Coolpix, this waterproof camera also makes nice underwater videos and filming. It comes with a 4K ultra HD video mode, including time-lapse and stereo sound. I include a few underwater videos here whilst I was scuba diving. They were all filmed with the Nikon Coolpix W300.

Underwater filming videos with the waterproof Nikon Coolpix W300:

Splashpacker YouTube channel for more underwater filming experience with the Nikon Coolpix

This post is specifically related to the Nikon Coolpix as a camera for underwater photography during diving. But if you like to check out more underwater diving videos, you can check out Splashpacker YouTube channel here. Or see this link to directly go to the playlist with underwater videos. Please subscribe to the channel too, if you like it :-)


The Nikon Coolpix W300 is also a great action camera for other adventures during traveling

The Nikon Coolpix is not only great as a scuba dive camera, but it also has great features to be used for your adventures or action sports. Some features of this camera include image stabilization, a built-in bright LED light, it is shockproof to 2,4 meters, freezeproof till -10 degrees Celcius / +14 Fahrenheit, and dustproof. The tough camera also comes with built-in WiFi, BlueTooth, GPS, depth gauge, barometer, altitude meter, and E-compass!


Scuba diving the marine park in Arinaga with my nikon dive camera
Sea Anemone on Gran Canaria. Camera flash switched on of the Nikon Coolpix W300 dive camera
Macro mode idea of Nikon Coolpix W300 for scuba diving
Seaslug during scuba diving in the Philippines. (Nikon Coolpix W300)

The compact digital camera is great for all kinds of travel

Next to the fact that it does not take up much space, it also doesn´t weigh much. So instead of being worried about an expensive camera with an underwater house on my travels, I just put the compact Nikon Coolpix somewhere in my hand luggage. The small camera only weighs about 230 grams and the size is only about 111 x 66 x 29 (in cm) or 4,4 x 2,6 x 1,2 (in inch). And with the EN-EL12 Li-ion battery, you can take about 280 photos with a full battery and it takes only a couple of hours to fully recharge it.

Nikon Coolpix W300, is a perfect underwater camera for dive travel
The Nikon Coolpix W300 splashpacker dive travel camera


Conclusion of the Nikon Coolpix W300 for underwater photography and as a dive travel camera

So, for me, this camera is one of the best things I ever bought for my splashpacker adventures. To conclude this post I put the advantages of the Nikon Coolpix as a dive camera in a short overview:

  • no underwater house is needed for a depth to 30 meters or 100 feet with Nikon Coolpix W300
  • the waterproof camera comes with a built-in camera flash and a built-in LED light
  • the Nikon camera has the option for macro photography, also in the underwater mode
  • Nikon Coolpix W300 has a 5x optical zoom option
  • For filming, the Coolpix W300 has a 4K ultra HD video mode, time-lapse, and stereo sound
  • It’s a light-weighted, compact, and tough underwater camera: perfect for scuba dive travel

Click here for a link to this Nikon camera on Amazon (ad)

Great underwater photography with the Nikon Coolpix W300
An impression of colors & quality of Nikon Coolpix underwater photography


Moray Eel underwater photo whilst scuba diving
Moray Eel during a night dive: impression of the colours & quality of Nikon Coolpix underwater pics


The Nikon Coolpix is a perfect dive camera for someone who travels a lot

As a scuba diver who travels a lot and sometimes goes to the most remote places, it´s one of the things unmissable in my backpack!  I can take nice marine life photos whilst scuba diving (see all underwater dive pics in this post) without having to worry about an expensive, vulnerable camera with separate housing. Click here to buy on Amazon. (As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases). If you liked this post, and doing more adventure travel, watersports and activities in the outdoors, you might also like my review about the Blackview rugged, waterproof Android phone. 


Nudibranch macro photo quality of Nikon Coolpix camera
Nudibranch. An idea of the macro settings and quality of the Nikon Coolpix
Manta ray underwater scuba diving in the Maldives
Manta ray, dive photo using the Nikon Coolpix as a dive camera




caves dive site in Rasdhoo Atoll in the Maldives
Dive site with caves in Rasdhoo Atoll on the Maldives. Impression of colour & lightning of the Nikon Coolpix


Selfie with my favorite dive camera
This photo was taken by myself: A selfie with the Nikon Coolpix dive camera
Nudibranch macro mode photo quality of Nikon dive camera
Yet another sea snail with Nikon Coolpix macro mode

Splashpacker: dive travel, sustainable tourism and solo female travel

Splashpacker is created by an ex scuba dive instructor, on the road since 2006. The website and YouTube channel are focussed on environmentally friendly and sustainable, dive destinations and solo female travel.   Are you interested in more blog posts with information about things to pack for your scuba diving holiday? Click here for a link to my packing lists. You can also follow me by clicking on the social media buttons below or subscribe to my mailing list.

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*As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases

Happy Splashpacking!


Quality and sharpness of Nikon Coolpix underwater camera
A few more impressions of the Nikon Coolpix
Crab underwater scuba dive photo
A few more impressions of the Nikon Coolpix
Nudibranch macro photography during night dive
A few more impressions of the Nikon Coolpix (night dive, macro mode)
Scuba diving with the Nikon underwater camera
A few more impressions of the Nikon Coolpix

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